Increasing numbers of businesses and individuals are recognising the importance of generating regular and automatic backups. The majority of them do it in the knowledge of the economic setback that a loss of files could imply. However, the problems that arise from the loss of data and programmes doesn’t end there, it could go as far as determining the reputation of the company and its future viability.

What is a backup?
A backup is a security copy created on a separate device from the original, with the aim of being able to recuperate that information at any given time. Backup services automatically generate security copies on a regular basis, ensuring that the most up-to-date information is stored.
Cyberattacks, viruses or hardware problems can put documents at risk. On occasions, these problems can even result in the complete loss of documents in a matter of seconds, proving the risks of saving data in one single location.
Thanks to improved connectivity and technology, increasing numbers of businesses are choosing to store their backup copies in the cloud rather than on other equipment, hard discs or physical servers. One of the advantages of this is precisely that it offers increased security, as the information is not located on a physical device that could be damaged.
The problems caused by data loss for businesses
Digitalisation has resulted in the majority of businesses storing large parts of their documentation and information in electronic format. This has streamlined procedures, facilitated collaboration between staff and reduced numerous expenses. But, it also has its challenges, such as those related to data privacy or the loss of documents. These could result in anything from a small setback for the company to genuine problems, be they legal, financial, organisational or related to their image.
Organisational problems: data loss implies, in one way or another, a loss of time or resources for the business, whether through restoring the lost data or regenerating it. When data can’t be restored, the value of the company’s work, which may have been carried out over days, weeks or years, is lost.
Impact on reputation: data loss affects the credibility of the business from the point of view of clients, shareholders, suppliers and other stakeholders. In the worst case scenario, it can lead to a loss of clients.
Legal consequences: losing data about the business, staff or third parties can lead to legal problems and could result in fines and penalties, something which has been further complicated since the adoption of the European Data Protection Law.
Economic repercussions: all of the above lead to the same point: economic losses. Whether through penalties, loss of clients or resource limitation, the company will be negatively affected if they lose part or the entirety of their data.
These consequences can put the short-term or long-term viability of businesses’ or individuals’ work in check. For this reason, it’s not only important to generate a copy of data, but also, to do it as often as possible. This ensures that the most up-to-date information is stored and can be recovered in its entirety if any software or hardware issue should arise.
Image | Unsplash/cetteup